
Since 2004 our efforts had been recognized by the Quality Certification under the Norm NP ISO 9001. In the same year we got the Certification (class 1) from OEKO-TEX® Standard 100 a guarantee in the absence of harmful substances in our products. Being certified means work constantly improving and adjusting to the market demands. It’s a day by day effort that move us to strengthen and extend our certification performance. A daily commitment for us, for our partners and for our customers.



We receive regularly audits integrated within our certifications commitments but also as a supplier from the brands and customers we work for.
Independent and external consulting and companies verify themselves the compliance and conformity of our activity and standards under their own Code of Conduct. This just brings trust, responsibility in a daily and progressive work.


A. Fiúza & Irmão conducts the all business in an honest and ethical way. We have zero tolerance to any kind of bribery and corruption.
Our relationships are based in a serious and professional way with all our partners.

Brand Protection

We respect our customers and their brands. Therefore we have a strict policy to protect and ensure that all confidential info is only shared with authorized parties.
As manufacturers we know we participate in early stages of new products and releases into the market. But we also know the secret is the soul of the business … we take care!